If you aren't registered as a user with a login/password on www.maineghosthunters.org then chances are, you're probably not getting the full effect of what the Maine Ghost Hunters website has to offer. We've just recently instituted a Maine Ghost Hunters web award program, and a badge-award program for people who submit a case-study for the case-study archives. The case studies portion of our website is designed for academic purposes, but we absolutely welcome the anecdotal approach, as well.
So what have Maine Ghost Hunters been up to lately? Well, let's see. We've been busying ourselves with managing our calendar and our investigation schedule, for starters. The start-up with the website has taken quite a bit of time and energy but we're sure our audience will appreciate our efforts, and quite frankly, our website traffic is really astounding us. We checked the counter code 4 times today just to make sure it wasn't "cheating" because we had almost 100 visitors before noon time.
As it stands right now, we have 8 "official" investigations lined up for the not-too-distant future. That's a whole heck of a lot of evidence to sift through, I can promise you that. That's a lot of video on our hard drives, and audio files to review, and pictures to scrutinize. Our 9th investigation is on the books, but hasn't been confirmed as totime and date, as of yet. But it's a sure thing, so we're gearing up for that one, too.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
If you aren't registered...
Monday, July 21, 2008
Reincarnated Children
Today's topic is Children who claim to have been reincarnated. If there's one thing that bothers me, on a personal level, it's the thought of children being trapped "in spirit" within this physical plane. If there's one thing that truly intrigues me, it's those stories of children who claim to have been reincarnated, and that they remember their past lives. The mere thought of it sends chills down my back while simultaneously sparking an entirely new level of interest and curiosity. I remember spending a short period of time in the bookstore not too long ago, and becoming so entranced by this random book I happened to pull off the shelf that I actually read through, almost the entire thing, before we left the store. It was fascinating and I highly recommend it. It's called Children's Past Lives and it's written by past life therapist Carol Bowman, a specialist in her field. The book is filled with anecdotes of children who remember, in detail, their lives before they were born into their present one.
Sometimes I wonder if everyone has this natural curiosity, as I do, about kids who claim to have memories of a past life. It wasn't too long ago that the thought of reincarnation was considered blasphemy, and still today, by Roman Catholic standards it's considered some degree of sacrilege. The whole concept of "life after death" challenges the modern standard of "science" as the ruling faction of thought and thinking. It's hard to believe that we are taught, and we continue to teach, that the Dark Ages were so far away. That the intellectual problems of the past are not the intellectual problems of our present. Society, as a whole, embraced the Renaissance with open arms and condemned the age of darkness as oppressive and a hindrance to intellectual progression yet, metaphorically speaking, by "tomorrow's" standards we very well may be existing in the same manner of "darkness" in today's day and age. Maybe these children are remembering past lives in ways we can't explain, not just because they have the ability to do so, but because they are proving to us that we are, as human physical beings, are evolving into spiritual creatures with a grasp of life as it exists in a different dimension... a different time... a different space. The whole concept of science, as we know it right now, is being challenged by 4 year olds all over the world.
World society watched thousands, possibly tens of thousands, and maybe hundreds of thousands of people through time, die because they fought for science to outweigh the importance of religious faith. And today, we watch as a strikingly similar template is being followed by thousands of people worldwide, maybe more. Children, the most innocent of all people simply because they are ignorant and innocent at the same time. They have no agenda, they have no knowledge or ability to gain such knowledge of spirits they may have contacted, or have had encounters with; or of the historical accuracies of the events, timelines, occurrences, or physical objects they claim to have had experiences with in their "past life", and yet they spill parts of "their" past-life stories with color and flare as though they just had these experiences yesterday. They long for parents and siblings they've never met in this life, and in certain cases, it's been proven that those relatives are still alive. I remember reading one particular care where a boy actually brought a present-day relative to the home of his past-life, and when he explained himself to the residents at this home - who he was in a past life, and what happened to himself, and how he remembered many of the people who were there to hear what he had to say - he was freakishly "right on". This child wasn't even 7 years old yet.
The pattern of today's "shift" away from hard-core science, and rigid ritualistic religions is as much a sign of the times as The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition were to the centuries before us. We like to consider ourselves a tad less barbaric than we were back then, and this may be true, but by "tomorrow's" standards, who knows what the truth may really turn out to be? Perhaps 1,000 years from now we'll consider that torturing the soul and a person's faith is far more painful than inflicting physical discomfort, or causing physical death. We may be in the midst of watching a slow, but steady, transition into a more spiritual existence taking place. Maybe it's because we're reaching into ourselves, or maybe it's because we're understanding and grasping the reality that the spiritual realm has been reaching out to us for longer than we were willing to allow ourselves, and each other, to accept, or believe. And these kids... these reincarnated kids, who throw us into a Buddhist sort of existence, for just a moment if we let them, make us realize that it's not a cliche to say "anything is possible". Anything is possible, and some things step beyond "possible" and make us feel we need to have the confidence that they're actually "probable".
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Skeptic Eye
Here's a picture that was taken of 2 Maine Ghost Hunters during an investigation in early 2008. At first glance, it's a fascinating sight to see. A "light rod" either originating, or ending, into the mid-section of current Maine Ghost Hunter TonyL. Amazing, isn't it? The home we were investigating at the time was a hotbed of activity. We'd heard many stories of strange and unexplainable incidents from the residents, and during our investigation each of us had personal paranormal experiences that, while not harmful, were difficult to pass off as bad wiring, or drafty windows. Surely, those reasons alone were enough to give this fantastic picture a more solid base for us to view as our best piece of evidence yet! I believe, in a moment of excitement, we might actually have been able to use the word "jackpot" when considering what we'd come across with this magnificent light-rod specimen. Hoo-Rah! Am I right?
Let's take a second look at this picture, shall we? I found the photo, personally, stunning. It was shocking to me on a few levels, the most impressive being that the home itself felt very thick with some sort of energy; "be it" true electrical energy due to poor, or old, wiring, or due to some other paranormal source.
So what did I do with this picture? Well, at first, I admired it for all it's paranormal awe and wonder. That lasted a few days, until I came across an EVP that raised my eyebrows (let's just say it sounded... less than pleasant). After editing, reviewing, and reviewing the EVP some more, I developed an understanding that the voice(s) I was hearing - no matter how I tried to rationalize it - weren't sounding "friendly". So I took the picture and I started asking around for advice and expert opinions. To my chagrin, what I was looking for was quite difficult to find. I'll follow that up with a statement that "opinions", on the internet, are not at all hard to find. Lots of people think they're experts, and yet, the only as-close-to-experts I actually had the pleasure of dealing with were the first people to admit to me that they weren't, "experts", at all. The information these people gave me about their knowledge of cameras, shutter speeds, lighting conditions, EXIF, stability issues, etc... was downright amazing. The skeptics, on the other hand, presented themselves so brashly and rudely that I could hardly believe what I was experiencing. Thank goodness I received private e-mails from people who had also been targeted by these same skeptics, letting me know the heavy dose of skepticism I was seeing was not the general consensus of the forum(s) itself. The problem with the skepticism we were witnessing, and trying to discuss through, was that the skeptics were extremists. It seemed I couldn't explain myself thoroughly enough for their understanding. I wasn't looking to prove the photograph authentically paranormal, I was looking for information on how to decipher what was written within the photograph itself. No matter how I presented that question, I was bombarded with accusations of (1) creating a hoax (2) doctoring the photograph with Adobe Photoshop (3) removing the EXIF information manually so the authenticity could not be proven, and the list continued on from there. I even had 1 person send the photo to a "friend" who specializes in scrutinizing doctored photographs, who told me he could "prove" I was presenting a hoax because of pixelation issues within the photograph itself. He went on to explain that the lighting patterns and the pixelation do not occur, naturally, as I had presented in this photograph. My reply was that I didn't doctor the picture, so that left only 2 options. The first was that photograph is, indeed, of a paranormal light source. The 2nd was that his "friend" didn't know what he was talking about. And I voluntarily opened myself up to accepting one of those 2 choices from this not-so-nice skeptic.
The point of this blog is multi-fold. First, it's aimed at addressing the concept of having an "open mind". When investigators are in a particular environment "investigating", it can be very easy to perceive, even the slightest of odd incidents, to be paranormal. An open mind is something that helps the client as much as the investigative team because in the end, hopefully, both parties are seeking the same end - knowledge through truth. The 2nd point is aimed at the belief structure of the individual, be they an investigator or not, and how that belief system is presented to someone with opposite or opposing viewpoints. An exchange of knowledge is how we become enlightened on subjects of shared interest. Reciprocal respect is not something we should take lightly, and will hopefully be that one thing we have in common when we can't agree on anything else.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Why We "Hunt"

The topic of "haunted places" these days seems to be more of something people talk about when they're looking for a "rush" or a "scare" than they are of places of wonder and curiosity of the human condition. There was a time in this country, and all around the world, when people considered a haunted environment to be a friendly one. Where spirits of past relatives came back to such places as old family homes - homes that stayed in a family for generations - to "check on" still-living relatives. Rarely were there cases of demon possessions or evil hauntings reported, but, with the rise of modern media came the rise of modern "hauntings". Perhaps they were always there, the demon possessions and evil spirits, and were poorly reported, or perhaps they're simply more prevalent now because, either, media sources have allowed us to become knowledgable of them, or because there are more "beings" presently in spirit form than there ever were before... who knows what the real reasons could be?
When I look at a place like Waverly Hills, or the Eastern State Penitentiary, or a more local environment such as the Pinelands facility in Maine, I think of the people who were condemned to live their last days on earth in such deplorable conditions that their spiritual well-being never fully recovered. People who lived a misunderstood life and who died, often times, forgotten. I remember investigating the cemetery out at Pineland (in Maine) and feeling such a sense of grief and depression for those unnamed, forgotten

Waverly Hills represents a dying ground of immense proportion. There's no other way to describe it. No matter how protective the medical staff was, no matter how desperate the situation became, no matter how badly they wanted to succeed, it just wasn't meant to be at the time. People who weren't ready to die, died miserable, long, drawn out deaths which probably resulted from a slow suffocation they could feel invading their airway(s) for ... who knows how long. Good people, strong people, kids, adults, teens, rich, poor, innocent and guilty... they all died in the same place and in a similar way. So many, in such large numbers, that no matter what their contribution to society was, they were still a number among numbers. Good people who'd lived Godly lives, who put family above self, watched as their livelyhood - their mothers, fathers, sons and daughters - died before their eyes, before they, themselves, passed from this world scared, alone, and probably a little ticked-off at the unfairness of the whole experience.

And the Eastern State Penitentiary? Sheesh, I didn't even want to start in on this place,

People, by nature, are social creatures. To deny social creatures the inability to socialize is to deny them the right to be human. It is also a means of torture the likes of "no other" because verbal self expression of personal unhappiness falls on deaf ears. There's nothing more tragic for people, or a person, than the feeling of "loneliness"; of being alone in a struggle in life or - as we experience in our paranormal investigations - in death. A person who truly doesn't care about the human experience of others, or of

I guess this posting is really about keeping that in mind. That we ghost hunt, not primarily for ourselves and not primarily for the evidence or the data or the "look what I found!" factor. We do it because we long to make that "connection". We want the rewards that come with the struggle to find that connection, yes; but what we really want is validation that when we reach out, we're reaching out "to" someone. That the someone we're reaching out to is more than a concept, they're real, and they're wanting to reach back and communicate with us, in return. If we didn't do it for those reasons we'd be better off chasing Bigfoot or hunting down UFO's because those "things" have been deemed as "physical", in nature. No, we hunt outwardly because we're constantly hunting "inwardly", and it's a good thing for ghost hunters to keep in mind. Hunt a spirit as you would appreciate being hunted.